Friday, May 04, 2007


Well, Apple finally got around to uploading all the photos for their Insomnia Festival. I guess they did it a couple hours ago because their server is so slammed I can't even log in to vote on my own submission. Here's the link: Outside Chance.

If you decide to vote on it you'll have to set up an Apple ID here. However, if you've ever bought an iTunes song or bought something off the online Apple store then you already should have an Apple ID and only need to login to vote. If you can't log in today, the voting last until the 14th so you have some time. I'd really appreciate it if you guys could send me a little love. Even if you only want to rate it one star, that's more than I've got already.

1 comment:

Lauren said...

You were doing really well yesterday when I rated your picture. You where on the first page. I'm impressed.