Thursday, December 20, 2007

Christmas Time

Christmas is here and that means we're closing in on the end of another year. For a lot of us that also means we're moving. That is, if you lease started at the beginning or end of a year; mine did. So I'm packing up my huge pile of stuff and moving somewhere else.

While there are a lot of things I'll miss about my old place: the UT Tower chiming, the cozyness, the close vicinity of various shops, I definitely won't miss the construction and all the frat goings on. Soon I'll be living in a house in a quieter neighborhood that's still relatively close to a lot of cool places and also with a good friend.

Other than moving, a lot else has happened this year. I finally broke free from the bondage they call FedEx Kinko's and have found myself a pretty rad job working in the art department of a screen printing shop. I've learned a lot in the six or so months that I've been there in addition to climbing from intern to full time employee in a matter of six or so weeks. I love the people that work there and the company sponsored parties are killer. Sure, I took a pay cut and I don't have any benefits, but I think if I wait it out a few more months I'll be making close to what I made at Kinko's.

Moving on, if you haven't played Rock Band yet, you're missing out on one of the best video game experiences ever. Sitting down and playing with three of your friends on either Guitar, Bass, Drums or Vocals is a shit ton of fun. I had the chance to do so recently at a party I attended. It was originally a Christmas part but as soon as we fired up the Xbox it became a full blown Rock Band party. I'll have to do it again sometime.

It's also really nice to be playing the aforementioned on a high-definition television, which it so happens I just got for Christmas. How could I have already received my Christmas gifts you ask? Well, my family celebrated early because my Grandparents we're in town. Corley and I ventured north to the land of Burleson for a weekend and had a wonderful time hanging out with my family. I only wish I could have spent more time with them.

Anyway, I'd like to wish everyone a happy holiday and happy new year. I can't be thankful enough for all the friends and family I have that care about me. We've all got another year to tackle, 2008, and it's looking to be a killer year.